Quick Poll. A Table Saw For I Can Do That Projects?

Youre perhaps familiar with the I Can Do That column in , wherein we design and build a simple yet handsome piece using mostly dimensional lumber (though weve ripped a short piece a time or two with a jigsaw) and a simple (but good) set of tools.

Theres a free PDF manual on the web page that shows and tells how to use all the tools in the ICDT kit. The site also offers many of the instructions and plans we have published in the ICDT column. The goal is to help beginning woodworkers make something theyll be proud to show off for years to come , not something that will be kicked to the curb (as were the many L-bracket bookshelves I built lo these many years ago) once their skills and toolkits grow.

The toolkit currently includes a circular saw, a circular miter saw and a slide compound miter saw. A benchtop table saw is something we are considering to make it possible to cut longer. That would allow us to expand the types of projects we offer , without breaking the wood budget. Although six 3 cm x 3CM x 91cm pieces are not cheap, a 18-inch piece that can be quickly resealed on the table saw into six is much more affordable.

The October 2009 issue of the magazine will feature a review of benchtop table saws. It will arrive in subscribers mailboxes in a few weeks. We think the saws are quite good, especially for beginners or those who have a small shop.

So what do you think? Does a benchtop table saw belong in the I Can Do That shop? Please cast your vote in our poll below.